...and more!
"Do not consider even the smallest good deed as insignificant; even meeting your brother with a cheerful face (is a good deed)." Reported by Abu Zarr and recorded by Imam Muslim. (#121)
Assalamu alaykum,
today we had a very busy day. We woke up early as my boys attend swimming on Saturdays at the local Leisure Centre,
They had their test to see if they can be put in a upper level.
Insh'Allah it looks like one of them have made it and for the other one will have to wait until next week when parents will receive a certificate and a badge per each child. I don't mind if the kids pass or not as the most important thing is that learning to swim is not just healthy and a great sport but a
Insh'Allah my kids will be competent swimmers soon.
After swimming we went back home under a torrential rain!
Hamdulillah I decided to drive to the Leisure Centre!
We had lunch,
BBQ meat and veggies with some
Lamachun pizza (
Turkish pizza). My
dh treats for us!
In the afternoon, I pushed myself to leave all the cleaning and cooking, even thou I have guests in the evening, to attend a charity event with the boys.
Hamdulillah the weather changed as the event was outdoor in a beautiful location.
We had a great day. The entrance was free, as it usually it is not and that's a good thing as it leaves you more money in the pocket to be spent inside. The kids had fun with their friends. There were so many kids activities and stalls.
The small park where the event was taking place, was very busy. Specially the food area. We had BBQ chicken, lamb
biriani and chips.
Prices were very cheap, don;t know why as the inflation has hit charity events too.
I bough a really nice
abaya, light grey and very fresh material for summer, very simple just as I like it, for £10!!! A bargain.
Also I love
kurta for my kids, and I got two for £4 each!! Isn't it a bargain.
Now my kids asked me about charity and where the money goes. My older one was so surprise to find out that his burger and chips will feed another child somewhere far away!
All the money raised will go to Muslim Aid that was present today.
This evening the expected guests arrived and
hamdulillah food was
OK,no great but
I could have made more
specially because one of the guest didn't like the main course as he never ate it since little. But
hamdulillah, I don't like to cook and waste, I prefer to make the right amount and not leave it for the day after when no one will eat it!
Now I am off to bed as tomorrow is another busy day!
wa alaykum assalam