'O Allah increase me in knowledge,

Monday, 19 May 2008


Assalamu alaykum,

I went for my weekly halaqa (study circle) this morning. Lately I haven't been so regular with attendance as the Calvert programme we need to be indoors 5 days a week in order to finish the study within one year. Hamdulillah.

But this morning I went as I felt the urge to be with sisters whom i love and respect for the sake of Allah. May Allah reward them for their pure intentions and sisterhood. Amin

The topic was about 'Parenting'. Subhan'Allah wasn't that qadr that I had it to be there?!
It was so beneficial to hear the sisters talking about how as parents should be rearing our kids.

One of the things that strike me, it was the eager we all have for our kids to learn as young as babies.

Allah tells us in the Quran that our children are our trial and as such we should take the task of parenting seriously, and start learning from each other.

Parents, sometimes with their comments or attitude can have a negative influence on their children, unknowingly.

What parents do can have a tremendous impact on children's lives.


Sometimes parents will immediately start complaining and finding fault in everything.
Sometimes children want to show parents what they have done in order to hear them say how good it is. In these cases, point out and compliment the positives first, then point out some of the negatives and suggest ways to correct them.

Certainly, evaluation and positive criticism are sometimes necessary to teach children how to do better next time.

When we build a warm and friendly relationship with our children, we establish the best opportunity for imparting strong moral and spiritual values to them--the key to high self-esteem.