'O Allah increase me in knowledge,

Thursday, 21 May 2009

...And now for the movie, excuse me, movies you have been waiting for!!

Assalamu alaykum all,
finally the movies the kids have been working on, are ready!! Since time is a big constrain for me at present, my exams for my final year in Health and Social Care are around the corner, I won't be having time to update this blog as usually.
But here it is a list of what we have been up to in the last 5 days:
-Calvert for A. In English he is learning about homophone, alliteration and contractions. In Maths, he is learning about hundreds, thousands etc and <,>,= and lots of problems solving.
In Science he has really enjoyed the magnets and finished that Unit in great style recording all his experiments in his science journal.He is currently learning about animals living in the great canyon. Very interesting, especially as he loves wild animals.
In History he is now doing the American Presidents and what it means to be a good citizen.He started off with President Kennedy.
In Islamic Studies he is studying about Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alayhe wa sallam) again but concentrating more on the history side including the battles, hijra and the companions.
-With S. we have been carrying on with He is now doing additions and subtraction. He can read books on his own geared for his age. Completed lots of worksheets with long sound vowels and short ones. Also consonant clusters e.g. fr, dr, cr, tr, cl, fl, pl etc. S. has enjoyed a full week of art&crafts not just at the weekly club but also at home. He produced some nice butterflies, dragonflies, airplanes and lots more.
He also completed two mini books. One about butterflies and one about summer. Mash'Allah. -Arabic and Qur'an as usual, hamdulillah.
-Thursday meet ups with other homeschoolers happened this week. Hamdulillah missed all the sisters a lot!! Happy to be back!
-And finally we worked on our new passion: movies!!! And here they are!

Enjoy the weather and happy home edu to all!
wa alaykum assalam Ayesha

PS: tried to upload S. video but i couldn't. And the PC freeze. Will try again tomorrow insh'Allah.

A. tried out some Greek ionic columns with LEGO, of course! ;)

A. said this is the Roman Emperor Villa. Looks a bit too busy and

the walls are not exactly what you would expect to find

in a Roman villa :/

Ancient Greece lapbook cover

Lapbook inside


Wooden horse and a Greek vase with a scene of fighting.

If only you could read what A. wrote next to it.

S. little lapbook about butterflies

The life cycle of a butterfly and

The very Hungry Caterpillar story